Trust and Credibility in Health Apps
‘Build trust and credibility’ is one of the 5 guiding principles for designing user-centred health and wellbeing apps. These principles are recommended based on the user testing of 20 health and wellbeing…
February 12, 2020 -
Medication Tracking App – Concept Prototype
Few days ago I came back from my Christmas break in Poland and decided to ease myself back into ‘work mode’ with something fun (and leave other business and admin tasks for…
January 1, 2020 -
[Infographic] 6 UX Recommendations for Female Health Trackers
What’s next? Subscribe for monthly research updates from our ongoing user testing of female health apps. Interested in custom user testing for your health app? Get in touch on contact@panacea.digital or through…
March 18, 2019 -
Behaviour Change Techniques in UX/UI Design
Couple of months ago I had an opportunity to chat to the Changing Health product team. I was impressed by their very informative and interesting whitepaper on the personalised application of behaviour…
February 18, 2019 -
How to Develop Healthcare Apps with Patient-Centred Approach
Health tech industry is booming and mobile healthcare apps are expected to empower more patients to take control of their health and wellness. So why with 320,000 health apps in app stores…
December 7, 2018 -
6 Guidelines for Designing Useful Health Dashboards
In the previous post, ‘Make it easy to enter health data’, we’ve discussed UX best practice and recommendations to facilitate tracking of one’s health data. Naturally, data entry is only the first…
October 6, 2017 -
Health Tracking – 5 Design Guidelines for Mobile Health Apps
Eliminating unhealthy habits and taking action towards a healthier lifestyle is difficult. The common wisdom says that the first step to making positive changes is to increase self-awareness and learn about one’s…
August 26, 2017