Happy users = more engagement and better results

Are you a passionate healthcare entrepreneur with a mission to help people live healthier, happier lives?

Are you looking for an objective expert opinion to guide your development efforts and highlight any areas of concern in the UX and usability of your health app?

If so, then you are in the right place. I use insight generated through my independent user testing of health and wellbeing apps and 7 years of experience in digital product development to help you make your product useful, usable and engaging.

For your convenience, I offer my services as clear and transparent packages. If you’re on a budget, there’s a DIY option too! Have a look below and get in touch to get started.

UX & Usability Audit

I’ll examine your product against UX design guidelines for digital health apps. You’ll receive a comprehensive PDF report with actionable recommendations for usability and UX design improvements.
The guidelines are based on my independent user testing of health and wellbeing apps and cover the following topics:

  • Onboarding
  • Goal setting
  • Health tracking
  • Displaying health data
  • Content and health education
  • Trust and credibility
  • Providing recommendations
  • Health communities
Learn more

User Experience for Digital Health Apps

If you’re not ready to hire a consultant but want solid, research-based guidance for the UX of your help app, buying the report is a perfect DIY option. It includes the same checklist I’m using to score and review the apps in the UX & Usability Review package.

What’s in the report

  • 70 actionable, research-based guidelines to create digital health apps users want to use
  • 203 examples of those guidelines in practice, with annotated screenshots and quotes from user testing sessions
  • Self-scoring tool – an interactive checklist to help you evaluate your app against the guidelines
Get the report

Enquire about UX and Usability Audit

Use the contact form below or email me at contact@panacea.digital to get started.