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  • 5 Principles for Creating Health Apps Users Love

    This video was originally recorded as a talk for European Digital Week 2020. In this 15-min talk I’m presenting 5 guiding principles for creating digital health apps users love and engage with:…

  • 4 Recommendations for Meditation and Mindfulness Apps

    If you search for the term ‘guided meditation’ on YouTube, you’ll receive an endless list of results? So what’s the added value of paid meditation and mindfulness apps? The truth is that…

  • 4 Ways Mental Health Apps Can Provide Value with Data

    Most health and wellbeing apps provide some kind of data tracking functionality. One way of providing an added value to the user is to present that data back to them in a…

  • 5 UX Recommendations for Food and Nutrition Apps

    Food tracking apps are one of the most commonly used health and wellbeing apps. As I learnt from interviewing health app users, people typically track food to: stay within the recommended calorie…

  • UX Design Guidelines for Chat Bots in Health Apps

    Two of the apps I tested as part of my ongoing user testing of health and wellbeing apps used a chat bot functionality. Here I’m presenting 4 UX guidelines for user-friendly chat…

  • Digital Health Users – What’s on Their Phones?

    These digital health user profiles were created based on my monthly mini user interviews. Research participants were asked to give me a ‘virtual tour’ of their phones and tell me about any…

  • Trust and Credibility in Health Apps

    ‘Build trust and credibility’ is one of the 5 guiding principles for designing user-centred health and wellbeing apps. These principles are recommended based on the user testing of 20 health and wellbeing…

  • 6 Rules for Onboarding Users to Your Health App

    User onboarding is an incredibly important step in the user journey of any app. The first impression of your product will often determine whether people will stick with it or use it…

  • Medication Tracking App – Concept Prototype

    Few days ago I came back from my Christmas break in Poland and decided to ease myself back into ‘work mode’ with something fun (and leave other business and admin tasks for…

  • My Product Design Process – Gratitude Journal App

    In this post I present my design process for going from a product concept to a finished app design. I’ll be using a concept that was inspired by a quote from one…