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  • Trust and Credibility in Health Apps

    ‘Build trust and credibility’ is one of the 5 guiding principles for designing user-centred health and wellbeing apps. These principles are recommended based on the user testing of 20 health and wellbeing…

  • 6 Rules for Onboarding Users to Your Health App

    User onboarding is an incredibly important step in the user journey of any app. The first impression of your product will often determine whether people will stick with it or use it…

  • [Infographic] 6 UX Recommendations for Female Health Trackers

    What’s next? Subscribe for monthly research updates from our ongoing user testing of female health apps. Interested in custom user testing for your health app? Get in touch on contact@panacea.digital or through…

  • 5 Findings from User Testing of Mood Tracking Apps

    As a UX designer and a user researcher, I’m committed to insight-driven design and continually testing assumptions. I’m also passionate about digital health and learning more about how people use technology to…